Thursday, March 4, 2010

Using a Blog to Release Stress

After reading some of the different educational blogs that were provided in a previous conference area, I realized how helpful a blog must be to release some stress. Teaching is FULL of new stories every day, some funny and some stressful. With the stressful stories, it is helpful to share the story with someone else. Posting it to a blog is just as helpful as sharing it with a friend/family member. With posting it to a blog, it is likely that other teachers will respond with either feedback or a similar story. Just having someone else respond can be a great way to release the stress that teachers build up on a daily basis. It is also a good way to get others to share strategies for how to deal with certain somewhat stressful situations. Teachers all have a box of tricks that they use to manage difficult students and it is great that most teachers are willing to share. As great as blogging is for releasing the stress of a hard day, it is also a great way to share the funny stories to give others a good laugh. After reading some of the educational blogs that were shared, I am looking forward to visiting them on a regular basis.

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